19 October, 2007

Money Matters

Whoa be for us to tell you about money matters. However, we thought we would share with you a few items of good news and give thanks in a public forum.

In the last few days we have received news that:
1) the Arts Alliance has been granted money from the Sesquicentennial Committee to help support the visit of Warren Nelson and the Big Top Orchestra next May to put on the "Old Minnesota: Songs of the North Star" show for students shows during the day and a general admission show in the evening.
2) the Central Minnesota Arts Board has approved a grant to help put on the Arts In Harmony 08 national juried art exhibition that is up February 4- March 28 at the Sherburne County Government Center.
Both of these grants come from funding approved by the Minnesota Legislature.

3) a number of community partners have stepped forward to help fund the visit of the U.S. Army Field Band and Soldier's Chorus. They include: WalMart- Elk River, The Rotary of Elk River, Elk River Printing, major media sponsor the StarNews, Rogers Printing, I-94W Chamber of Commerce, the Friends of Rogers Library, and the Rogers Lions.
Though the visit is "free" there are costs associated with tickets, posters, programs, advertising, facilities use, and of course staff involvement.

The Arts Alliance could not provide arts events as varied as shown above without the strong community support we receive from all sectors of the community. We thank them and we thank you again and again for your continued involvement in making our communities stronger by making the arts an important part of of your life.

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