02 June, 2008

Two Art Shows to Enjoy

Harvey Shroeder's Students Show is currently on display at the Sherburne County Government Center. It will Run until June 19th. There are 22 artists displaying 82 paintings. The following link will take you to a Star News Article about the show http://erstarnews.com/content/view/3258/64/. Bruce Strand's description of this painting: "I call it "Kitty's Pillow," because this cat, whom I had for 18 years (died 2 years ago)liked to nestle his noggin into the palm of my left hand whenever it was available." Harvey is a great teacher. Make sure to check out this show.
Spring Thaw is an Exhibit that is at the Arts Alliance Gallery 716 Main Street in Downtown Elk River. The opening reception will be held on Thursday, June 5 from 4 to 8PM. Spring Thaw is a show of watercolors and clay and will run through July 5th. The Show features Judith Meyeraan, Eleanor Johnson, Kimberly Pietzrak, Mae Spencer and Deb Vandereyk. For more information go to http://www.elkriverart.org/
Art Soup 2009. Are you interested in being on the planning committee for ArtSoup June 2009? We are going to be forming a committee soon. Email the arts alliance at info@eraaa.org and we will add your name to the list.

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